Google Analytics(分析)4即将取代Universal Analytics。2023年7月1日起,Universal Analytics媒体资源将停止收集数据,届时只有GA4媒体资源才会收集数据。
同时自2023年3月起,Google会根据客户Universal Analytics媒体资源中的设置创建GA4媒体资源,除非您关闭“自动设置基本的Google Analytics(分析)4媒体资源”。如果您已经创建了GA4媒体资源,并且相应媒体资源已与Universal Analytics媒体资源相关联,Google会从您的Universal Analytics媒体资源中复制您尚未在GA4媒体资源中标记为已完成的所有配置(例如,目标、受众群体等),除非您关闭“自动设置基本的Google Analytics(分析)4媒体资源”。
第一步:在Online Store > Themes > … > Edit HTML/CSS > Snippets >创建名为dataLayer的Liquid文件,内容为:
<script> /********************** * PRELOADS * load jquery if it doesn't exist ***********************/ if(!window.jQuery){ var jqueryScript = document.createElement('script'); jqueryScript.setAttribute('src',''); document.head.appendChild(jqueryScript); } __DL__jQueryinterval = setInterval(function(){ // wait for jQuery to load & run script after jQuery has loaded if(window.jQuery){ // search parameters getURLParams = function(name, url){ if (!url) url = window.location.href; name = name.replace(/[\[\]]/g, "\\$&"); var regex = new RegExp("[?&]" + name + "(=([^&#]*)|&|#|$)"), results = regex.exec(url); if (!results) return null; if (!results[2]) return ''; return decodeURIComponent(results[2].replace(/\+/g, " ")); }; /********************** * DYNAMIC DEPENDENCIES ***********************/ __DL__ = { dynamicCart: false, // if cart is dynamic (meaning no refresh on cart add) set to true debug: false, // if true, console messages will be displayed cart: null, wishlist: null, removeCart: null }; customBindings = { cartTriggers: [], viewCart: [], removeCartTrigger: [], cartVisableSelector: [], promoSubscriptionsSelectors: [], promoSuccess: [], ctaSelectors: [], newsletterSelectors: [], newsletterSuccess: [], searchPage: [], wishlistSelector: [], removeWishlist: [], wishlistPage: [], searchTermQuery: [getURLParams('q')], // replace var with correct query }; /* DO NOT EDIT */ defaultBindings = { cartTriggers: ['form[action="/cart/add"] [type="submit"],.add-to-cart,.cart-btn'], viewCart: ['form[action="/cart"],.my-cart,.trigger-cart,#mobileCart'], removeCartTrigger: ['[href*="/cart/change"]'], cartVisableSelector: [','], promoSubscriptionsSelectors: [], promoSuccess: [], ctaSelectors: [], newsletterSelectors: ['input.contact_email'], newsletterSuccess: ['.success_message'], searchPage: ['search'], wishlistSelector: [], removeWishlist: [], wishlistPage: [] }; // stitch bindings objectArray = customBindings; outputObject = __DL__; applyBindings = function(objectArray, outputObject){ for (var x in objectArray) { var key = x; var objs = objectArray; values = []; if(objs.length > 0){ values.push(objs); if(key in outputObject){ values.push(outputObject[key]); outputObject[key] = values.join(", "); }else{ outputObject[key] = values.join(", "); } } } }; applyBindings(customBindings, __DL__); applyBindings(defaultBindings, __DL__); /********************** * PREREQUISITE LIBRARIES ***********************/ clearInterval(__DL__jQueryinterval); // jquery-cookies.js if(typeof $.cookie!==undefined){ (function(a){if(typeof define==='function'&&define.amd){define(['jquery'],a)}else if(typeof exports==='object'){module.exports=a(require('jquery'))}else{a(jQuery)}}(function($){var g=/\+/g;function encode(s){return h.raw?s:encodeURIComponent(s)}function decode(s){return h.raw?s:decodeURIComponent(s)}function stringifyCookieValue(a){return encode(h.json?JSON.stringify(a):String(a))}function parseCookieValue(s){if(s.indexOf('"')===0){s=s.slice(1,-1).replace(/\\"/g,'"').replace(/\\\\/g,'\\')}try{s=decodeURIComponent(s.replace(g,' '));return h.json?JSON.parse(s):s}catch(e){}}function read(s,a){var b=h.raw?s:parseCookieValue(s);return $.isFunction(a)?a(b):b}var h=$.cookie=function(a,b,c){if(arguments.length>1&&!$.isFunction(b)){c=$.extend({},h.defaults,c);if(typeof c.expires==='number'){var d=c.expires,t=c.expires=new Date();t.setMilliseconds(t.getMilliseconds()+d*864e+5)}return(document.cookie=[encode(a),'=',stringifyCookieValue(b),c.expires?'; expires='+c.expires.toUTCString():'',c.path?'; path='+c.path:'',c.domain?'; domain='+c.domain:'','; secure':''].join(''))}var e=a?undefined:{},cookies=document.cookie?document.cookie.split('; '):[],i=0,l=cookies.length;for(;i<l;i++){var f=cookies[i].split('='),name=decode(f.shift()),cookie=f.join('=');if(a===name){e=read(cookie,b);break}if(!a&&(cookie=read(cookie))!==undefined){e[name]=cookie}}return e};h.defaults={};$.removeCookie=function(a,b){$.cookie(a,'',$.extend({},b,{expires:-1}));return!$.cookie(a)}}))} /********************** * Begin dataLayer Build ***********************/ window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; // init data layer if doesn't already exist var template = "{{template}}"; /** * Landing Page Cookie * 1. Detect if user just landed on the site * 2. Only fires if Page Title matches website */ $.cookie.raw = true; if ($.cookie('landingPage') === undefined || $.cookie('landingPage').length === 0) { var landingPage = true; $.cookie('landingPage', unescape); $.removeCookie('landingPage', {path: '/'}); $.cookie('landingPage', 'landed', {path: '/'}); } else { var landingPage = false; $.cookie('landingPage', unescape); $.removeCookie('landingPage', {path: '/'}); $.cookie('landingPage', 'refresh', {path: '/'}); } if (__DL__.debug) { console.log('Landing Page: ' + landingPage); } /** * Log State Cookie */ {% if customer %} var isLoggedIn = true; {% else %} var isLoggedIn = false; {% endif %} if (!isLoggedIn) { $.cookie('logState', unescape); $.removeCookie('logState', {path: '/'}); $.cookie('logState', 'loggedOut', {path: '/'}); } else { if ($.cookie('logState') === 'loggedOut' || $.cookie('logState') === undefined) { $.cookie('logState', unescape); $.removeCookie('logState', {path: '/'}); $.cookie('logState', 'firstLog', {path: '/'}); } else if ($.cookie('logState') === 'firstLog') { $.cookie('logState', unescape); $.removeCookie('logState', {path: '/'}); $.cookie('logState', 'refresh', {path: '/'}); } } if ($.cookie('logState') === 'firstLog') { var firstLog = true; } else { var firstLog = false; } /********************** * DATALAYER SECTIONS ***********************/ /** * DATALAYER: Landing Page * Fires any time a user first lands on the site. */ if ($.cookie('landingPage') === 'landed') { dataLayer.push({ 'pageType': 'Landing', 'event': 'first_time_visitor' }); } /** * DATALAYER: Log State * 1. Determine if user is logged in or not. * 2. Return User specific data. */ var logState = { {% if shop.customer_accounts_enabled %} {% if customer %} 'userId' : {{ | json}}, 'customerEmail' : {{ | json}}, 'logState' : "Logged In", 'customerInfo' : { 'firstName' : {{customer_address.first_name | json}}, 'lastName' : {{customer_address.last_name | json}}, 'address1' : {{customer_address.address1 | json}}, 'address2' : {{customer_address.address2 | json}}, 'street' : {{customer_address.street | json}}, 'city' : {{ | json}}, 'province' : {{customer_address.province | json}}, 'zip' : {{ | json}}, 'country' : {{ | json}}, 'phone' : {{ | json}}, 'totalOrders' : {{customer.orders_count | json}}, 'totalSpent' : {{customer.total_spent | money_without_currency | remove: "," | json}} }, {% else %} 'logState' : "Logged Out", {% endif %} {% endif %} 'firstLog' : firstLog, 'customerEmail' : {{ | json}}, 'timestamp' : Date().replace(/\(.*?\)/g,''), {% if customer.orders_count > 2 %} 'customerType' : 'Returning', 'customerTypeNumber' : '0', {% else %} 'customerType' : 'New', 'customerTypeNumber' :'1', {% endif %} 'shippingInfo' : { 'fullName' : {{ | json}}, 'firstName' : {{checkout.shipping_address.first_name | json}}, 'lastName' : {{checkout.shipping_address.last_name | json}}, 'address1' : {{checkout.shipping_address.address1 | json}}, 'address2' : {{checkout.shipping_address.address2 | json}}, 'street' : {{checkout.shipping_address.street | json}}, 'city' : {{ | json}}, 'province' : {{checkout.shipping_address.province | json}}, 'zip' : {{ | json}}, 'country' : {{ | json}}, 'phone' : {{ | json}}, }, 'billingInfo' : { 'fullName' : {{ | json}}, 'firstName' : {{checkout.billing_address.first_name | json}}, 'lastName' : {{checkout.billing_address.last_name | json}}, 'address1' : {{checkout.billing_address.address1 | json}}, 'address2' : {{checkout.billing_address.address2 | json}}, 'street' : {{checkout.billing_address.street | json}}, 'city' : {{ | json}}, 'province' : {{checkout.billing_address.province | json}}, 'zip' : {{ | json}}, 'country' : {{ | json}}, 'phone' : {{ | json}}, }, 'checkoutEmail' : {{ | json}}, 'currency' : {{shop.currency | json}}, 'pageType' : 'Log State', 'event' : 'logState' } dataLayer.push(logState); /** * DATALAYER: Homepage */ if(document.location.pathname == "/"){ dataLayer.push({ 'pageType' : 'Homepage', 'event' : 'homepage', logState }); } /** * DATALAYER: 404 Pages * Fire on 404 Pages */ {% if template contains '404' %} dataLayer.push({ 'event':'404', 'page': window.location.pathname }); {% endif %} /** * DATALAYER: Blog Articles * Fire on Blog Article Pages */ {% if template contains 'article' %} dataLayer.push({ 'author' : {{ | json}}, 'title' : {{article.title | json}}, 'dateCreated' : {{article.created_at | json}}, 'pageType' : 'Blog', 'event' : 'blog' }); {% endif %} /** DATALAYER: Product List Page (Collections, Category) * Fire on all product listing pages. */ {% if template contains 'collection' %} var ecommerce = { 'items': [ {% for product in collection.products %}{ 'item_id' : {{ | json}}, 'item_variant' : {{product.selected_variant.title | json}}, 'item_name' : {{product.title | json}}, 'price' : {{product.price | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '.' | json}}, 'item_brand' : {{product.vendor | json}}, 'item_category' : {{product.type | json}}, 'item_list_name' : {{collection.title | json}}, 'imageURL' : "https:{{product.featured_image.src|img_url:'grande'}}", 'productURL' : '{{shop.secure_url}}{{product.url}}', 'sku' : {{product.selected_variant.sku | json}}, }, {% endfor %}] }; dataLayer.push({ 'productList' : {{collection.title | json}}, 'pageType' : 'Collection', 'event' : 'view_item_list', ecommerce }); {% endif %} /** DATALAYER: Product Page * Fire on all Product View pages. */ {% if template contains 'product' %} var ecommerce = { 'items': [{ 'item_id' : {{ | json}}, 'item_variant' : {{product.selected_variant.title | json}}, 'item_name' : {{product.title | json}}, 'price' : {{product.price | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '.' | json}}, 'item_brand' : {{product.vendor | json}}, 'item_category' : {{product.type | json}}, 'item_list_name' : {{collection.title | json}}, 'description' : {{product.description | strip_newlines | strip_html | json}}, 'imageURL' : 'https:{{product.featured_image.src|img_url:'grande'}}', 'productURL' : '{{product.url}}' }] }; dataLayer.push({ 'pageType' : 'Product', 'event' : 'view_item', ecommerce }); $(__DL__.cartTriggers).click(function(){ dataLayer.push({ 'event' : 'add_to_cart', ecommerce }); }); {% endif %} /** DATALAYER: Cart View * Fire anytime a user views their cart (non-dynamic) */ {% if template contains 'cart' %} var ecommerce = { 'currency': {{cart.currency.iso_code | json}}, 'value': {{cart.total_price | divided_by: 100.0 | json}}, 'items':[{% for line_item in cart.items %}{ 'item_id' : {{ | json}}, 'item_variant' : {{line_item.variant.title | json}}, 'item_name' : {{line_item.product.title | json}}, 'price' : {{line_item.product.price | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '.' | json}}, 'item_brand' : {{line_item.product.vendor | json}}, 'item_category' : {{line_item.product.type | json}}, 'item_list_name' : {{line_item.collection.title | json}}, 'quantity' : {{line_item.quantity | json}}, 'discount' : {{discount.code | json}} },{% endfor %}], }; dataLayer.push({ 'pageType' : 'Cart', 'event' : 'view_cart', ecommerce }); {% endif %} /** DATALAYER: Checkout on Shopify Plus **/ if(Shopify.Checkout){ var ecommerce = { 'transaction_id': '{{checkout.order_number | json}}', 'affiliation': {{ | json}}, 'value': {{checkout.total_price | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '.' | json}}, 'tax': {{checkout.tax_price | money_without_currency | replace: ',','.' | json}}, 'shipping': {{checkout.shipping_price | money_without_currency | replace: ',','.' | json}}, 'subtotal': {{checkout.subtotal_price | money_without_currency| replace: ',','.' | json}}, 'currency': {{checkout.currency | json}}, {% for discount in checkout.discounts %} 'coupon': {{discount.code | json}}, 'discount' : {{discount.amount | money_without_currency | json}}, {% endfor %} 'email': {{ | json}}, 'items':[{% for line_item in checkout.line_items %}{ 'item_id' : {{ | json}}, 'item_variant' : {{line_item.variant.title | json}}, 'item_name' : {{line_item.product.title | json}}, 'price' : {{line_item.product.price | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '.' | json}}, 'item_brand' : {{line_item.product.vendor | json}}, 'item_category' : {{line_item.product.type | json}}, 'item_list_name' : {{line_item.collection.title | json}}, 'quantity' : {{line_item.quantity | json}}, 'discount' : {{discount.code | json}} },{% endfor %}], }; if(Shopify.Checkout.step){ if(Shopify.Checkout.step.length > 0){ if (Shopify.Checkout.step === 'contact_information'){ dataLayer.push({ 'event' :'begin_checkout', 'pageType' :'Customer Information', 'step': 1, ecommerce }); }else if (Shopify.Checkout.step === 'shipping_method'){ dataLayer.push({ 'event' :'add_shipping_info', 'pageType' :'Shipping Information', ecommerce }); }else if( Shopify.Checkout.step === "payment_method" ){ dataLayer.push({ 'event' :'add_payment_info', 'pageType' :'Add Payment Info', ecommerce }); } } /** DATALAYER: Transaction */ if( == "thank_you"){ dataLayer.push({ 'pageType' :'Transaction', 'event' :'purchase', transactionData }); } } } /** DOM Ready **/ $(document).ready(function() { /** DATALAYER: Search Results */ var searchPage = new RegExp(__DL__.searchPage, "g"); if(document.location.pathname.match(searchPage)){ var ecommerce = { items :[{% for product in search.results %}{ 'item_id' : {{ | json}}, 'item_variant' : {{product.variant.title | json}}, 'item_name' : {{product.title | json}}, 'price' : {{product.price | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '.' | json}}, 'item_brand' : {{product.vendor | json}}, 'item_category' : {{product.type | json}}, 'item_list_name' : {{product.collection.title | json}}, },{% endfor %}], }; dataLayer.push({ 'pageType' : "Search", 'search_term' : __DL__.searchTermQuery, 'event' : "search", 'item_list_name' : {{line_item.collection.title | json}}, ecommerce }); } /** DATALAYER: Remove From Cart **/ {% if template contains 'cart' %} var ecommerce = { 'items':[{% for line_item in cart.items %}{ 'item_id' : {{ | json}}, 'item_variant' : {{line_item.variant.title | json}}, 'item_name' : {{line_item.product.title | json}}, 'price' : {{line_item.product.price | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '.' | json}}, 'item_brand' : {{line_item.product.vendor | json}}, 'item_category' : {{line_item.product.type | json}}, 'item_list_name' : {{line_item.collection.title | json}}, 'quantity' : {{line_item.quantity | json}}, 'discount' : {{discount.code | json}} },{% endfor %}], }; $(__DL__.removeCartTrigger).click(function(){ dataLayer.push({ 'pageType' : "Remove from cart", 'event' : 'remove_from_cart', ecommerce }); }); {% endif %} /** Google Tag Manager **/ (function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({'gtm.start': new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], j=d.createElement(s),dl=l!='dataLayer'?'&l='+l:'';j.async=true;j.src= ''+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f); })(window,document,'script','dataLayer','GTM-00000'); }); // document ready } }, 500); </script>
或者下载这段代码:Shopify Plus GA4 | Shopify GA4
第二步:找到Online Store > Themes > … > Edit HTML/CSS > Layout > theme.liquid文件,在</head>结尾处添加{% include ‘dataLayer’ %}
第三步:非Plus用户在Shopify后台找到/admin/settings/checkout页面,将checkout.js里的代码复制到Order status page -> Additional scripts即可,或用下列代码:
{% if first_time_accessed %} <script> var ecommerce = { 'transaction_id': '{{checkout.order_number | json}}', 'affiliation': {{ | json}}, 'value': {{checkout.total_price | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '.' | json}}, 'tax': {{checkout.tax_price | money_without_currency | replace: ',','.' | json}}, 'shipping': {{checkout.shipping_price | money_without_currency | replace: ',','.' | json}}, 'subtotal': {{checkout.subtotal_price | money_without_currency| replace: ',','.' | json}}, 'currency': {{checkout.currency | json}}, {% for discount in checkout.discounts %} 'coupon': {{discount.code | json}}, 'discount' : {{discount.amount | money_without_currency | json}}, {% endfor %} 'email': {{ | json}}, 'items':[{% for line_item in line_items %}{ 'item_id ' : {{ | json}}, 'item_variant' : {{line_item.variant.title | json}}, 'item_name ' : {{line_item.product.title | json}}, 'price' : {{line_item.product.price | money_without_currency | replace: ',', '.' | json}}, 'item_brand' : {{line_item.product.vendor | json}}, 'item_category' : {{line_item.product.type | json}}, 'item_list_name' : {{line_item.collection.title | json}}, 'quantity' : {{line_item.quantity | json}}, 'discount' : {{discount.code | json}} },{% endfor %}], }; window.dataLayer.push({ 'pageType': 'Purchase', 'event': 'purchase', ecommerce }); </script> {% endif %} <script> (function(w,d,s,l,i){w[l]=w[l]||[];w[l].push({'gtm.start': new Date().getTime(),event:'gtm.js'});var f=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], j=d.createElement(s),dl=l!='dataLayer'?'&l='+l:'';j.async=true;j.src= ''+i+dl;f.parentNode.insertBefore(j,f); })(window,document,'script','dataLayer','GTM-XXXXXXX'); </script>
第四步:最后创建Google Tag Manager账户容器,导入我预设好的GTM.json代码即可。

备注:如果产品唯一识别号不是Shopify自带的product_id,而是sku。{{ | json}}可以修改为{{line_item.sku | json}}{{ | json}}可以修改为{{product.selected_or_first_available_variant.sku | json}}******dynamicCart: false这个值,如果你的购物车不是跳转的,设置为true